
Third Time

Editor’s Introduction

Carmen Concilio |7


Ageing in a Faraway Land

Licia Canton |13

Shakespeare’s Grandiose Old Men

Paolo Bertinetti |19

Ageing and the Attainment of Form in

Robinson Crusoe

Lucia Folena |27

The Ageing Confessor and the Young Villain: Shadowy Encounters of a Mirrored Self in Julian Barnes’s

The Sense of an Ending

Pier Paolo Piciucco |41

“Making Sense or No Sense of Existence”: The ‘Plot’ of Thomas Kinsella’s Late Poems in the Light of Norberto Bobbio’s De senectute

Donatella Badin |61

A Voice Fit for Winter: Seamus Heaney’s Poetry on Ageing in Human Chain

Irene De Angelis |85

“The Mark on the Floor”: Alice Munro on Ageing and Alzheimer’s Disease in The Bear Came Over the Mountain and Sarah Polley’s Away From Her

Carmen Concilio |103

Coming to Terms: Ageing and Moral Regeneration in J.M. Coetzee’s Age of Iron and Elizabeth Costello

Blossom Fondo |127

Imagi(ni)ng Ageing: Old Women in J.M. Coetzee and

Virginia Woolf. Mrs Curren and Mrs Dalloway.

Carmen Concilio |141

“Representing Age and Ageing in New Zealand Literature”:

The Māori Case

Paola Della Valle |165

Ageing and Neurologic Disease

Enrica Favaro |183

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